Fit4Mom is a community of moms who support every stage of motherhood. From pregnancy through postpartum and beyond, our fitness and wellness programs help make moms strong in body, mind, and spirit. Click Here to find a group near you! Check them out on Instagram @fit4momhq
TheBlueDot was created by Peggy O’Neil Nosti, a mom who suffered from postpartum anxiety with her third child who wanted to find a way to let other moms know they were not alone. TheBlueDot's purpose is to raise awareness of maternal mental health disorders, proliferate the blue dot as the symbol of solidarity and support, and to combat stigma and shame Visit their webpage here.
The Revolutionizing Parenthood conference was designed to meet the unique needs and challenges that parents are facing today–from battles about screen time, to raising empowered girls, to feeling triggered by your teenager. In just one day, you’ll have the opportunity to hear from keynote speaker, NYT best-selling author and Oprah’s favorite parenting expert, Dr. Shefali, a world-renowned therapist and mindfulness teacher who integrates Eastern and Western philosophies. View event information and purchase tickets by clicking HERE.
If you know of any resources we may be able to add, please send us an email to or click here.